"I think you have to be careful and that [the designated driver] is very useful because you can rotate and each time someone else is responsible for the lives of the rest."
From P(A)T we created Zero Goal, an activity with young people who were getting their driving license on the figure of the “designated driver” to prevent traffic accidents. This consisted of performing a song with the rapper workshop Carlos García with the lyrics proposed by the students.
The project is carried out in collaboration with driving schools where we explain the consequences of drinking and driving with the help of a witness who explains his experience in relation to a serious traffic accident. From the reflections of the students and the help of a workshop leader, the lyrics of a rap titled “OBJECTIVO CERO” were created, of which a video was made to share on social networks and that the message reaches beyond the people who participated directly in the activity.
Despite the fact that many of the students who did the activity are still in the process of obtaining their driver’s license, they already have in mind that they will put into practice what they learned in our designated driver’s workshop.
The objective is to encourage responsible and healthy consumption, not penalizing who consumes, but at the same time helping to raise awareness of the responsibility that driving entails; it is necessary to be in full faculties to avoid any setback.
Zero Goal video:
In addition, the participants recieved a t-shirt with the missatge: “If you drive, don’t drink”.