XXIII Jornada Mediterránea para la Seguridad Vial
The challenges of the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030
The challenges of the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030
June 22nd from 10:00 to 13:30h
We are starting the Second Decade of Action (DoA) for Road Safety 2021-2030, proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations, and soon we will have the final version of the Global Plan of Action (whose period of allegations has recently ended) and that will serve as a guide to achieve the common goal of the Decade 2021-2030 to achieve at least a 50% reduction in injuries and deaths from road crashes in that period.
From P(A)T we have prepared this year’s XXIII Mediterranean Conference to discuss with leading experts and authorities with responsibility in the field, what we have learned from the previous Decade 2011-2020, where we are and what we must do to accelerate the reduction of casualties that will bring us closer to zero casualties in 2050. The international community accepts that this is a cross-cutting issue that is closely linked to the Sustainable Development Goals, to the protection of the environment, to the quality of life and health of citizens, to social rights and citizen engagement.
Do not miss the conference on June 22, as we will discuss all this and much more and we will surely learn and reach conclusions that will help us move forward.
Inaugural table moderated by Eugenia Domenech, honorary president of P(A)T
Etienne Krug, Director of the Department of Social Determinants of Health of the WHO
How to achieve Goal 0 by 2050 | Q&A Session
Matthew Baldwin, Deputy Director General for Mobility and Transport at the European Commission
European Mobility Challenges | Q&A Session
11:00h First Roundtable: Shared Responsibility | moderated by Ole Thorson former President of P(A)T
Bartolomé Vargas, Prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor’s Office for Road Safety. The role of Justice in achieving the common goal.
Ramon Lamiel, Director of the Servei Català de Trànsit: the responsibility of governments to convince the citizenship
Albert Batlle, 5th Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Prevention and Safety of the Barcelona City Council: the role of cities in the challenge of the zero target.
12:00h Second round table: the need for transversality moderated by Yolanda Domenech, director of P(A)T
Mònica Peinado, journalist specializing in Road Safety
A communication issue
Jeannot Mersch, president of FEVR (European Federation of Road Victims)
A human rights issue
Ramón Cos, president of ADEVIC (Associació pel Desenvolupament de l’educació viària a Catalunya)
A theme of education and training
13:15h Closing
Department of the Interior of the Generalitat de Catalunya | Pacte Nacional per a la Movilidad Sostenible y Segura de la Generalitat de Catalunya (National Pact for Sustainable and Safe Mobility of the Generalitat de Catalunya).