Content published on the World Day

News, World Day
World Day in the P (A) T delegations
Activities, News, World Day
P(A)T commemorates the World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims since its inception in 1993. Brigitte Chaundry, founder of Road Peace, in England, inspired that day, which was adopted by the organizations of victims of road crash under the auspices of the European Federation of Road Crash Victims (FEVR).
On the third Sunday of November, it was recognized as the World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims, at the General Assembly of the United Nations on October 26, 2005 and later supported by WHO. That day pays tribute to the deceased and seriously injured in a road crash and their families. It is also a day to thank and recognize the dedication of those who contribute to improve the situation of the victims and also is a day to give visibility to the magnitude of the devastation caused by road crashes and the impact on families and society.
It is an important day, not only for family members and victims, but also for many others who work in the prevention of road crashes or who deal with its aftermath.
The number of countries that join the celebration of World Day grows every year. The events are published on the web: www.worlddayofremembrance.org
Since 2017, the Director of P (A) T, Yolanda Domenech, has become Coordinator of the Global Advisory Board of the World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims, formed by one person from each continent.
The road made loop, P(A)T ‘s symbol against road insecurity and in support of road victims has been adopted worldwide, as a symbol of this day.
Each year a slogan and an image is chosen to be used globally to give more strength to the message, since the World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims is also an opportunity to show the magnitude of the problem that supposes a serious problem of public health and a lot of pain for many families and therefore demands all necessary measures to be taken both to avoid road crashes and to adequately respond to all those who suffer the consequences.
We carry permanently in our hearts the memory of those who are no longer with us but in this Day we have a collective memory for all of them and for the people and families who are suffering in their lives the terrible impact caused by road crashes.

ince 1968, committed to road safety
P(A)T is attached to the initiative