VI UN Week for Road Safety
P(A)T at the VI UN Week for Road Safety: joint manifesto with Catalunya Camina and ADEVIC.
P(A)T joined the 6th UN Week for Road Safety from May 16 to 23, developing a manifesto jointly with a pedestrian organization (Catalunya Camina) and with an organization of road education professionals (ADEVIC ) in which we explain the benefits of 30km/h and explicitly ask that the regulations be followed to save lives and improve coexistence on our streets.
In Catalonia, the 30km/h limit has already been established, even so it is not always respected, which is why our goal is for there to be political involvement to help comply with the norm and for which we want the mayors to be involved in explaining to its citizens the reason for this rule. For this reason, we have issued the manifesto to different mayors and other political leaders – such as the director of the Catalan Traffic Service – asking for their commitment to involve the public in this initiative that saves lives.
In addition, we adhere to the international online campaign #CarrersPerALaVida with demands from citizens to have safer streets for everyone.