The road accidents in the political debate

Notice P(A)T / P(A)T reports

The road accidents in the political debate

The president of the community of Madrid has introduced mobility accidents in the political debate with the statement: "Every day there are outrages and that is not why you ban cars". The debate is always positive and we thus have the opportunity to express some views on health, the physical integrity of citizens and their lethality.

The president of the community of Madrid has introduced mobility accidents in the political debate with the statement: “Every day there are outrages and that is not why you ban cars”.

The debate is always positive and we thus have the opportunity to express some views on health, the physical integrity of citizens and their lethality.

A few years ago, Spain has adhered to the objective of zero vision in statements by those responsible for road safety. Enough of deaths and serious injuries in mobility. There are thousands every year. This accession has not turned the country upside down to save lives. It seems that drivers – the most dangerous group on the streets and highways – have a certain right to assault other citizens.

Attempts are made, at half speed, to remedy the aggressiveness or the results of injuries from this attack against others. Among other things with speed limits in cities, where the theory that we should not drive faster than 30 km/h is winning. We already know that current Madrid and its community do not like this theory and that there are plans to eliminate restrictions – or at least sanctions – for those who drive faster.

At P(A)T we are not talking about banning (although we are talking about reducing) the use of motor vehicles, but about responsible use – which is not practiced much at the moment. With nearly 2,000 deaths in mobility, no administration in the country can pretend to wash its hands and say: “This is not my problem.” All the leaders are to blame for these figures being repeated year after year. And it is necessary to indicate that the accident data in Spain show that every year there are thousands of new injuries in mobility that seriously overload the health system.

We must put a mute on the dangerous use of the motor vehicle. No patches – actions that demonstrate the will to end thousands of admissions to the health system.

We hope that both a group of political parties, like another, finally agree to declare social alarm for the plague that falls on us every day from mobility.


Board of Pat Apat