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Every year the European Commission organizes European Mobility Week, an initiative whose objective is to raise awareness about the benefits of sustainable urban mobility for the environment and health. This year’s motto is “energy efficiency,” and citizens are invited to opt for means of transportation that reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Since 1999, P(A)T has actively participated in this campaign with its own actions such as Giving Life or global campaigns such as Car-Free Day or Park(ing) Day. We want to promote sustainable mobility and encourage the development of good practices in favor of active and safe mobility.

This year there have been 2,353 activities in Europe that have celebrated sustainable urban transport and active mobility, from guided walks or bike rides, to street games and public lectures. In addition, 1,165 Park(ing) Day events have been organized around the world where streets were closed to open them to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport and community use of public space was claimed by occupying parking spaces.

On the occasion of European Mobility Week, P(A)T participated in Parking Day and launched the Gifting Life project in several locations in Spain.

Also during the SEMSS we have participated in the ADEVIC conference on “Safe mobility from the perspective of pedestrians” which we told you about in previous newsletters. Our member Isabel Moreno paid an emotional tribute to Ole Thorson for his tireless work of activism for safer mobility. You can see the video below.

During this week we have also carried out the P(A)T campaign “Giving Life” in different municipalities in Spain, to raise awareness among scooter and bicycle users with the aim of improving coexistence in the city and avoiding accidents.

The campaign consists of providing reflective bracelets to users of personal mobility vehicles and bicycles so that they are more visible, helping to reduce risk and therefore giving the gift of life. The bracelet will have a QR code that leads directly to a website with tips for being safe on scooters and bicycles, so that they “wear” the message and can easily consult it whenever they want.

We have delivered more than 2,000 reflective bracelets with a QR to users of personal mobility vehicles and bicycles to make them more visible, helping to reduce risk and therefore giving the gift of life.

In addition, more activities were carried out, such as the popular Riudoms bike ride where more than 400 people participated.

From P(A)T we want to thank all the volunteers who have participated #GivingLife for their involvement and commitment and for all the support we are receiving to build safer mobility with 0 victims.