News / Notice P(A)T / P(A)T reports


The current system has worked and this change that liberalizes the courses could put an end to some courses that have given good results and that, although with room for improvement, have been positive for the last 16 years.

The awareness courses for the recovery of points and the driving license are going to undergo a transformation.

P(A)T has met with the Director of the DGT Pere Navarro and with the Minister of the Interior of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Joan Ignasi Elena to discuss this issue and express his concern.

Given the change that has recently occurred in the regulations applicable to the courses for the recovery of points and driving licence, from P(A)T we convey our concern to the political leaders, since we fear that it may affect the quality of the courses and, what is more serious, the re-educational and awareness-raising effect that the courses have had to date. This modification requires a development through a Ministerial Order that specifies the requirements and characteristics that the courses must have from the change introduced in the RD-Law.

As regulated, any driving school that meets certain requirements may teach these courses and the participation of associations and the testimony of a victim are not required, nor will there be a coordinated management of them.

That is why we have vindicated the important role that victims’ associations have in the points recovery courses and we have transferred to them the minimum points that should be met.

The participation of associations of victims of trafficking for the coordination of the testimony of the victims, which must be established as mandatory in all courses.
A control by the administration or delegated management to guarantee the quality of the courses and their content and development, control of incidents, etc…
If this is not the case, establish that the recovery of points is not automatic, after completing the course, but that some type of aptitude and attitude test must be carried out by the DGT.
Mandatory attendance of students and verification of passing the course.

The current system has worked and this change that liberalizes the courses could put an end to some courses that have given good results and that, although with room for improvement, have been positive for the last 16 years.

Let’s not forget that it is about re-educating and sensitizing offending drivers, they are awareness courses, and only if this is achieved, the points or the permit are recovered. It is not a mere formality and it is not enough to take the courses. The key to its success has been precisely that, which affects driving attitudes and the driving schools that have taught them are highly involved and have trained and sensitized professionals, convinced of the work they do. Let’s not lose this asset.

You can continue reading about it at El PeriódicoEuropapress y Cadena Ser.