Recognized the collaboration of the city council of Priego in the campaign “Streets for Life # Love30”
The Priego City Council has recognized P(A)T for our “Streets for Life #Love30” campaign.
Carmen Muñoz, representative of PAT, has delivered to the mayor of Priego, María Luisa Ceballos, a diploma accrediting the dissemination of the road safety campaign, as well as gratitude for the involvement of the Local Police in the measures related to achieving “zero victims in traffic accidents”.
In this regard, it should be noted that over the last year, the association has joined the international campaign of the UN #Love30 and #StreetsForLife, with the aim of advancing in vision zero and helping to understand that speed kills and especially in the urban areas. Thus, a vehicle at 50 km/hour causes the death of the pedestrian in 50% of cases, lowering to 30 km/hour to 5%.
The mayor of Priego, María Luisa Ceballos, has stated that “it is a life challenge and an obligation for our entire population to comply with the 30 km/h on urban streets and the 20 km/h on single-platform roads, and we must take everyone is aware of this”, pointing out that the collaboration of the Consistory has consisted of participating in the campaign “there are no excuses for not complying with 30 km/h” through videos on Twitter and other social networks.
You can see all the news in PriegoDigital.