Have a look
On June 29, we had the pleasure of being part of the presentation of the book “How to train for safe mobility” in the assembly hall of the Department of the Interior.
We begin the presentation, with the need to educate for safe mobility with Ramon Lamiel, Director of the Catalan Transit Service, and with the explanation of how to put people at the center in the educational-preventive model with Farners de Cruz and Mar Morgado , from the Servei Català de Trànsit.
With this great introduction and contextualization, Letizia di Bartolomeo and Francesc Esteban de Formacció, presented the book “How to do training for safe mobility.” Of this, the updating not only of the contents to current regulations and the contemporary needs of cities stands out, but also of the teaching and learning methods in a global digital world.
The Department of Education and the Servei Català de Trànsit organize education courses for safe mobility aimed at primary and secondary school teachers. This is a particularly interesting training to work on education in values, health education and risk prevention.
These courses propose to reflect on education for safe mobility and present a didactic model for the prevention of accidents in children and young people from the perspective of risk minimization and awareness of one’s own actions and emotions. The training is completely virtual and lasts 30 training hours.
The objective is to integrate the didactic model of accident prevention into the classroom and so that the participants can learn about and use different pedagogical resources to put into practice training activities related to mobility.
The contents covered are directly related to topics such as accidents, risk, learning about prevention and safe mobility skills.