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No distractions, no fines

According to data from the DGT, distractions behind the wheel claim the lives of more than 300 people each year. The most common, the use of the mobile phone.

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“Approximately 22% of Spanish drivers admit to having spoken without hands-free, read messages or consulted social networks during the last month. “More than half say they have spoken with a hands-free system, despite recognizing that it is a distraction while driving.”

– director of the National Road Safety Observatory of the DGT, Álvaro Gómez.

Even, according to the 2019 Gonvarri and Movistar study, they declare that they are distracted when using their cell phone, far above the 25% who are distracted by food or drink, the 28% who do so when thinking about other things or the 38% , for using GPS. And this use of the mobile phone is not only to make or receive calls: 86%, according to the same report, talk about searching for information, writing WhatsApp (85%), taking photos (83%), recording videos (82%) or reading news (84%).

“The phone you are calling is turned off or out of coverage. Leave your message after you hear the signal.” This message saves lives. Having your phone off saves lives. Leaving your cell phone off or simply not picking it up while driving saves lives. And the question is: when has reading a message, choosing the perfect song or watching a meme become more important than a life?

At P(A)T we see every day the tragedies caused by distractions and the senselessness of a life being cut short by looking at a WhatsApp.

For this reason we launched “Mobilize with your head”, an awareness campaign to avoid the distractions of mobile phones on the road.