P(A)T reports / Projects


P(A)T presents the results of the survey “violence with and in the vehicle

Within the framework of the III Colloquium on Mobility and Gender organized by the Traffic Accident Prevention association, we will present the results of the survey “violence with and in the vehicle” and we will reflect on mobility from a gender perspective.

Data from the Servei Català de Trànsit show that driving has gender differences. Men accumulate more violations than women: 88% of the fines for alcohol and other drugs and 70% of the penalties for speeding correspond to them. Likewise, men represent 75% of fatalities in traffic accidents, despite the fact that vehicles are more dangerous for women, since they have a 17% greater risk of dying in the event of a collision. The percentage of driving licenses is 57% for men and 43% for women. These figures make us wonder if road violence has a gender dimension and what scope road violence has.

In our imagination, we tend to think of “road violence” only as accidents and accidents. However, we believe that it is not limited to these events, but also covers all situations in which the vehicle becomes an instrument, a means or a scene of other crimes. To change the culture of driving and reduce the feeling of impunity and domination that some drivers experience behind the wheel, it is necessary to adopt a new perspective on these phenomena. However, we lack data and research that allow us to know its magnitude. For this reason, at P(A)T we have created the survey “violence with and in vehicles”, promoted by the Opinòmetre Institute.

Our experts will analyze this issue and present the results of the study that P(A)T commissioned from the Opínometre Institute on “violence with and in the vehicle.”