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The campaign consists of "gifting" reflective wristbands to e-scooter and bicycle users, along with practical advice and safety recommendations

For the third consecutive year, the Association for the Prevention of Traffic Accidents (P(A)T) is launching the “LIFE IS THE GIFT” campaign across various locations in Spain, as part of the European Mobility Week. This initiative aims to promote the safe circulation of these vehicles by sharing practical advice through the gift of a reflective wristband. In addition to helping make users more visible while riding, the wristband features a QR code that, when scanned, provides access to practical tips on the P(A)T website (www.pat-apat.org/regalando-vida) as well as recommendations based on current regulations and the opinions of road safety experts.

This campaign was born in 2022 in response to the rise of personal mobility vehicles (PMVs), especially after the pandemic. However, the widespread use of these vehicles has led to chaos and risks in our streets, due to regulations that came too late and allowed users to develop habits they were reluctant to give up. Over time, the increase in the number of e-scooter users has resulted in a rise in accidents. Although the number of victims is still far lower than that of other groups, such as car and motorcycle users, we aim to halt and reduce these numbers to zero, as behind each one is a real person.

For this reason, the wristbands will be handed out by members of P(A)T, most of whom have either lost a loved one in a road crash or have been involved in one themselves. This gives their warnings a tragically closer reality. The goal is for these tips to not be forgotten and to “travel” with each scooter user, allowing them to consult the advice via the wristband at any time, helping to prevent potential road crashes. “We don’t want anyone else to experience the pain of a loss that could have been avoided,” explains Vicente Sánchez, President of P(A)T.

At P(A)T, we believe that these personal mobility vehicles are a good alternative for urban transportation. They take up little space, are efficient, environmentally friendly, and help reduce traffic. We advocate for a new form of mobility where the pedestrian is at the center, and we achieve sustainable transportation through these vehicles, alongside bicycles and public transport. That’s why, in addition to prevention through information and education for e-scooter users, we believe it is essential for urban infrastructures to adapt to accommodate these new vehicles, with adequate bike lanes and 30 km/h zones where scooters and other vulnerable users (pedestrians, bicycles, etc.) can circulate safely. The experience of European cities like Copenhagen, Utrecht, and Amsterdam, where traffic is calmer and bicycles have priority, can serve as models to follow,” comments Álvaro Nicolás, our Technical Advisor at P(A)T.

It is worth noting that the General Traffic Regulations (RGC) are expected to be enforced soon, which will include measures such as mandatory helmet use and a minimum age for operating PMVs. Additionally, the new Law on the Insurance Scale proposes mandatory civil liability insurance for these vehicles, which is expected to come into effect in January 2026.


  • September 10: P(A)T will be in Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Masquefa (Barcelona province) from 10:00 to 12:00.
  • September 17: P(A)T will be at the Turó School, Masquefa (Barcelona province).
  • September 18: P(A)T will be at Font del Roure School, Masquefa.
  • September 19: P(A)T will be at Viñas Verdes School, Masquefa.
  • September 20: P(A)T will be at Plaza de la Estación de Principe Pío (Puerta de San Vicente), Madrid, in the afternoon.
  • September 21: P(A)T will participate in Park(ing)Day on Calle Diputación 222, Barcelona.
  • September 25: P(A)T will be at Plaza Universidad, Barcelona from 12:00 to 14:00.
  • September 27: P(A)T will be at Plaza de la Constitución, Peligros (Granada) from 10:00 to 13:00.

Cabe destacar que se espera próximamente la entrada en vigor el Reglamento General de Circulación (RGC) que incluirá medidas como la obligatoriedad del casco o la edad mínima para circular en VMP. Además, el Proyecto de Ley de la nueva Ley del Baremo propone un seguro obligatorio de responsabilidad civil para estos vehículos, que se supone que entrará en vigor en enero de 2026.