Attention to victims / News


The INVICTES service opens its doors

Despite the great lack of a homogenized office at a European level with the framework regulations of the Crime Victim Statute that includes victims of road crimes, in Catalonia we have an example of a specialized service for victims. The SIAVT -Information and Attention Service for Traffic Victims-, attached to the Catalan Traffic Service, was created 10 years ago to respond to the situation of great vulnerability and disorientation in which victims of traffic accidents find themselves. at the institutional level.

Last Thursday, January 26, INVICTES opened its doors, the Seriously Injured Traffic Victims Inclusion Service in their Social Environment, whose main purpose is to offer serious injured traffic victims with lifelong sequelae, support services and orientation that favors personal autonomy and independent living. Its operation is based on the creation of a community network of various entities throughout the territory and a link with the administration.

This new service, which has been in operation since January, seeks to promote and recover the personal autonomy and independent life of traffic victims seriously injured with sequelae, who are in a situation of disability; work with the family so that they accept and know how to give an adequate response to the limitations, disabilities and permanent or temporary difficulties of their family member; and work with the victim’s social environment to promote their recognition and her personal worth with all her capacities and limitations caused by the traffic accident.

The areas of action of the service are:

  • The most personal environment of the victim of trafficking, recovering his emotional state, his autonomy and companion, at first, his life project.
  • The family environment, paying special attention to caregivers, providing knowledge and skills for care activities and tasks.
  • The social environment with which the person seriously injured with sequelae in a traffic accident is related to achieve an integrating and inclusive environment.

INVICTES’s main functions include establishing coordination and referral protocols with the Traffic Accident Victim Information and Care Service (SIAVT), with associations of victims of traffic accidents such as P(A)T and with Reference medical services in the different territorial areas.

We believe that the link between the administration and victims’ associations such as P(A)T is essential, so that they can find out about our activities in order to jointly advance towards our common goal of Objective 0. We agree on synchronous work to improve the current situation of victims and their sense of abandonment.


This collaborative initiative is also highly celebrated at the European level by FERV, the European Federation of Road Victims. You can hear it from the voice of its president.

1-What assessment does the FEVR make of the quality of care received by victims of traffic accidents and their family environment in Europe? Which countries do you think have a more advanced model?

2-Do you know SIAVT? What do you think of the Catalan model as a proactive care service and face-to-face and telephone care that facilitates the link with all existing resources?

3-What future lines must be worked from the FEVR and from the local and regional institutions at a European level to advance in a more complete attention to the victims?


INVICTES was a much-needed project that will undoubtedly help improve the quality of life of the direct victims and their families. From P(A)T we can only applaud the arrival of the service for which we have been fighting for years.