INVICTES - Inclusion Service for Traffic Victims seriously injured in their Social Environment
Despite this serious lack of a homogenized office at the European level with the framework regulations of the Crime Victim Statute that includes victims of road crimes, in Catalonia we have an example of a specialized service for victims. The SIAVT – Information and Attention Service for Traffic Victims -, attached to the Catalan Traffic Service, was created 10 years ago to respond to the situation of great vulnerability and disorientation in which victims of traffic accidents find themselves. at the institutional level. This year, as we told you in the last newsletter, the INVICTES service – Service for the Inclusion of Traffic Victims seriously injured in their Social Environment – opened its doors. Now, we met with this team to learn more about the service and promote synergies between entities.
We believe that the link between the administration and victims’ associations such as P(A)T is essential and that they can learn about our activities to jointly advance towards our common goal of Objective 0. We agree on synchronous work to improve the current situation of the victims and their sense of abandonment.
This collaborative initiative is also highly celebrated at the European level by the FERV, the European Federation of Road Victims. You can hear it from the voice of its president.
1-What assessment does the FEVR make of the quality of care received by victims of traffic accidents and their family environment in Europe? Which countries do you think have a more advanced model?
2-Do you know the SIAVT? What do you think of the Catalan model as a proactive care service and in-person and telephone care that facilitates the link with all existing resources?
3-What future lines do we need to work on from the FEVR and from local and regional institutions at the European level to advance more complete care for victims?