New rule that introduces road safety in the school curriculum.
On March 3, 2022, the new Royal Decree on the Regulation and Minimum Teaching of Road Education in the school environment came into force, a new regulation that introduces road safety into the school curriculum. Thanks to it, attitudes of respect for the prevention of traffic accidents will be promoted from schools and active, autonomous and healthy mobility habits will be developed among the little ones.
Among the conclusions of the conference, a joint appeal to the autonomous communities and the educational community stands out for the promotion and development of these contents in the study plans and for teachers, social educators, associations, among others, to make a special effort to update their knowledge in this matter. Also, to provide specific budgets to promote driver education and convey to the European Union the need to work together on this subject in all member countries.
You can see the state of the issue of driver education in the EU at this link.
Although from P(A)T we believe that it is a very important step to be able to meet the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the Stockholm Declaration, we believe that it is necessary to give road safety education the importance it deserves, for which reason they must develop quality pedagogical resources taught by experts in the field, to build a society with zero victims.
You can see a summary of the conclusions of each of the participants in this link.