III Mobility and Gender Colloquium
Do men and women have the same mobility patterns? And the same priorities when moving? Is road violence a gender issue? Our speakers will try to answer this and other questions. In addition, the results of the survey that P(A)T commissioned from the Opínometre Institute on “violence with and in the vehicle” will be announced.
Thursday, December 14 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Hybrid format – online | In person: Assembly room of Casa Elizalde (C. Valencia, 302 Barcelona)
Violence prevention is everyone’s business | Mr. Rubén Sánchez, deputy director general of Awareness and Prevention of the General Directorate for the Eradication of Sexist Violence of the Department of Equality and Feminisms
Road violence, a gender issue? |Montserrat Crespín, Doctor in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona
Presentation of the results of the survey data on violence with and in the vehicle | Alicia Coduras author of the analysis and report of the survey results. Opinòmetre Institute
Anna Pintó, Deputy Director General of Road Safety of the Catalan Traffic Service
Mr. Adrià Gomila, Director of Mobility Services of Barcelona City Council