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Take a picture of yourself with the reflective and share it on social media with #RegalandoVida





1. You cannot bring a companion.

The VMP or Personal Mobility Vehicles are calculated to carry a single person, losing stability and safety, due to the dispersion of the center of gravity generated by the mass of 2 or more people.

In the case of bicycles, it is only allowed to carry a passenger up to 7 years of age, in an approved additional seat, and provided that the driver is of legal age.


2. You cannot circulate on sidewalks or pedestrian areas.

Pedestrians are the most vulnerable users and we must promote and respect their safety. The sidewalks and pedestrian areas are intended for the mobility of pedestrians. If you have to move on sidewalks or pedestrian areas, get off the skate or bicycle.

And remember, at some point we are ALL pedestrians!!


3. You can not use headphones or mobile.

Listening to music or talking on the mobile doubles the probability of making serious mistakes while driving, since it generates distraction. Driving is not a game, we must be attentive to traffic and other vehicles in order to react to possible unforeseen events that can put us in danger.


4. It is recommended that you wear a helmet. In many towns it is mandatory.

The helmet protects us in the event of an impact, and according to data from the DGT, it reduces 50% of head injuries and between 30-90% the possibility of fatal injuries. Find out if it is mandatory in your municipality.

Keep in mind that for those under 16 years of age, the use of a regulation helmet is mandatory when riding bicycles.


5. You cannot exceed the 0.25mg/l blood alcohol level. If you are a minor, the rate is 0.

Alcohol reduces response and reaction times. It takes longer to brake and analyze what is happening, that is, to correctly understand distances or speed, among many other consequences. And it is that with “only” 0.2mg/L of alcohol in the blood, the probability of suffering an accident is 30 times higher than in the event of not having consumed a single drop. That is why we are committed to ZERO TOLERANCE IN ALCOHOL.


6. You have to obey traffic signs and rules.

Traffic signs and rules exist to ensure good coexistence between different users and reduce the dangers of driving. It is also important to obey them when driving a VMP or bicycle, as it is one of the most vulnerable vehicles.


7. You can not go through crossroads, intercity roads, highways, highways that run within the town or through urban tunnels.

On these roads, the rest of the vehicles (motorcycles, cars, vans or trucks) circulate at high speed, generating a high risk of collision as it is more difficult for other vehicles to perceive us.


8. At crossroads check that you can pass and make sure they have seen you.

Sometimes we have the false perception that they see us, but it is important to make sure to avoid risks and make turns safely. Keep in mind that improper turns are one of the most common causes of road accidents among the VMP group or cyclists.


9. You cannot exceed 25 km/h.

In the case of VMP, the 25 km/h limit exists to protect both VMP drivers and pedestrians, since the possibility of surviving a collision at 50 km/h is 50%, but if it is at 30 km/h , the probability of becoming a fatal accident is reduced to 10%. In addition, the structure of a Personal Mobility Vehicle is not designed to exceed said speed and is not safe at higher speeds.

For ciclists, we recommend not to exceed 25km/h.


10. Do not do drugs.

The effects that each drug has on the ability to drive are different and depend on the way the drug works in the brain. For example, marijuana can decrease coordination, reaction time, and the ability to judge time and distance, while cocaine or methamphetamine can lead to aggressive or reckless driving. All these deficiencies can cause traffic accidents. Do not forget that you are driving and for this you need to do it in full capacity.


11. At night it has the light on and reflective elements.

As the day gets darker, it is more difficult for other drivers to see us and react in time, so we must make ourselves visible at all times. For example, you can do it with our reflective gift!


12. Before performing a maneuver you must signal it.

Signaling the maneuvers serves so that the other vehicles can know our movements before carrying out them and anticipate their movements respectively. It is a simple way to reduce crashes and accidents and that is why it is so important to indicate in advance what we are going to do.


13. It´s advisable to have Insurance Civil Liability

Riding scooters or bicycles carries the risk of causing damage to third parties, whether pedestrians, other vehicles, or public and private property. Liability insurance protects you against these unforeseen events, covering the resulting costs. Although it is not currently mandatory, the new “Baremo” Law is expected to require it starting in 2026. Having insurance will prevent legal and financial issues in case of crash and ensure that the victim receives the necessary care for their recovery.

Images provided by the Servei Català de Trànsit

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