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Reckless driving: The influence of alcohol and drugs

29th Barcelona Road Safety Forum

Topic “Reckless driving: the influence of alcohol and drugs”

Location: Palau Macaya Barcelona (Paseo de San Juan, 108)

Date: November 30, 2023

Hours: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

In-person format


The consumption of alcohol and drugs is one of the factors that has the most influence on reckless driving, and the one that poses the highest risk for both drivers and pedestrians.

The figures certify that it continues to be a very relevant problem. In 2022, alcohol once again was the main indirect cause of traffic accidents in Barcelona: it influenced 225 accidents, and 14,307 drivers were detected driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotic substances, an average of 39 per day. The number of criminal complaints for reckless driving filed by the Urban Police rose to 50.

The 29th Barcelona Road Safety Forum wants to share different approaches, both from the police and legal perspective and from the social, institutional and health perspective. A challenge that calls for co-responsibility between users and administrations.


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