European Mobility Week 2021
We join the European Week for Safe and Sustainable Mobility, which is celebrated from September 16 to 22, the campaign slogan is "For your health, move in a sustainable way".
At P(AT) we are joining the European Week for Safe and Sustainable Mobility, which is being held from September 16 to 22 with the slogan “For your health, move in a sustainable way”. This initiative was launched in Europe in 1999 and from 2000 onwards has been supported by the European Commission. It is celebrated every year, from September 16 to 22, carrying out activities to promote sustainable mobility and encouraging the development of good practices and permanent measures.
We share with you the calendar of activities that we will have during this important week:
– 17/09 #PARKINGDAYBCN21: we will be waiting for you at Diputació street, 211 in Barcelona. In our installation next to Catalunya Camina, we will calculate your ecological footprint in your daily commute.
We will transform the parking space into a lounge-dining room with the idea of being able to enjoy the city, safely, without the fear of the possibility of being hit by a car or an accident and without air pollution from vehicles.
– 20/09 Conference on Mobility and Gender. In our imagination we still think that women drive worse than men, when the data says that it is men who cause the majority of traffic accidents. We will reflect on the differential factors in mobility and road safety due to gender with expert speakers, including Carme Miralles i Guasch, PhD in Geography and professor at the UAB.
Program and Registration: https://www.pat-apat.org/conferencia-movilidad-y-genero/
– 10/09 Start of #SumateALaVida series
Coming soon, 4 stories that will lead us to reflect on mobility and the importance of our decisions.
Subscribe to watch it on our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/PatApatAsociacion
– 21/09 Conference with the participation of our director Yolanda Domenech and Dr. Javier García Campayo at the Colegio Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya about Mindfulness applied to Driving. 18.30hs, online format.
Registration: https://www.copc.cat/cursos/2464/Confer-ncia-Mindfulness-i-conduccio-FORMACIO-ONLINE-
– 22/09 On September 22 is celebrated the Car Free Day, origin of this European initiative, which aims to find new solutions to the problems associated with increased traffic in cities.
Come and see us at the Stand that we have prepared with the E-Motion Art Exhibition of the artist Pilar Martín in Paseo de Gracia street, between Diputación and Gran Vía from 16h to 20h.
We have raffles and surprises prepared! DON’T MISS IT