News / Notice P(A)T


Bicycles on roads and lives cut short

On this first weekend of July, two cyclists have died on the roads of Aragon, one of them was the Mayor of Zuera, his name Luis Zubieta Lacámara, and his photo has appeared in all the newspapers. It is for this reason that perhaps this misfortune has more repercussions than that of other anonymous victims, although the grief, anger and impotence is not different from that of other families affected.

Luis has been hit by a driver who was surely not paying enough attention, an unfortunate event that could have been avoided, like most accidents that happen daily on our roads.

According to data from the DGT, as of June 30, 500 people have lost their lives on Spanish roads and 194 of them were pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable groups.

At P(A)T, an association dedicated to preventing accidents and helping victims of trafficking, we know about the difficult time that family and friends will be going through, which is why we want to accompany them and convey all our affection and support.

In these summer dates the roads will be filled with cyclists and pedestrians who go out to enjoy their holidays and there will also be many trips for leisure reasons. If it is always important for drivers to be extremely careful, it is even more so these days. From P(A)T we ask all drivers to drive attentively, prudently and in good condition and when they see a pedestrian or a cyclist in the distance, think that that vulnerable person who will be next to us in a few seconds is your father, your brother, your daughter, a dear friend and that you have the life of that loved one in your hands and do not forget that, for your actions in the next few seconds, you may have to answer to yourself for the rest of his life.

Summer is beginning for everyone, but unfortunately it has already ended for two people who only wanted to enjoy their leisure time.

Let’s not cut short more summers, let’s not destroy lives, it’s simple, we just have to drive respecting and thinking of others and not of ourselves.