As part of our work to prevent traffic accidents, last Monday, December 18, we collaborated with the Urban Police in an operation to control alcohol and other drugs in Barcelona. Our volunteers were in charge of informing and raising awareness among drivers about the risks of driving under the influence of alcohol and other substances. In addition, we gave them reflective bracelets and brochures with information about our association and good road safety practices.
Our objective was to convey the importance of respecting traffic rules and being cautious behind the wheel, especially at this time, to avoid traffic accidents. The majority of drivers valued our initiative positively and showed us their support and gratitude.
From P(A)T-AP(A)T we want to take this opportunity to remind you that, during these Christmas holidays, if you are going to drink alcohol, do not drive. There are other options such as taxi or public transport that will allow you to enjoy without putting your life or the lives of others at risk.