Conference “Mobility and Gender”
September 20th at 18:00h to 19:30h.
Place: Torre Jussana | Av. Cardenal Vidal i Barraquer, 30 – 08035 Barcelona.
Classroom with streaming option.
In our imagination we still think that women drive worse than men, when the data says that men are the ones who cause most traffic accidents.
It is also important to note that the feeling of vulnerability that women experience in public spaces can determine the way they move around. For example 42% of sexual touching in the social or family environment in Barcelona reported last year, take place on public transport (EVM, 2017).
Therefore it is necessary to put this fact on the table to help raise awareness among citizens and generate a change.
One of the basic needs of human beings is security (Maslow’s pyramid). If an intense emotion comes into play in decision-making – such as fear of being besieged or insecurity – then the emotion will have the greatest impact on the choice of mode of transport.
For this reason, if we want to achieve an active and healthy mobility – walking and cycling – sustainable and equitable we cannot take out of the equation the overall safety on the streets of the city and especially that which has to do with the harassment of women and therefore we have to talk about mobility from a gender perspective.
The colloquium aims to be a space for reflection on these issues.
It will also be accompanied by a virtual exhibition of the Malaga artist Pilar Martín García consisting of 6 canvases with mixed technique of inks, spray, collage, impasto, markers, acrylics and oils, which aims to reflect on the differential factors in mobility and road safety due to gender.
Moderating the event:
Mònica Peinado, journalist specializing in Road Safety.
Yolanda Domenech Moral, director of P(A)T.
Anna Pintó Piera, deputy director general of Road Safety of the Servei Català de Trànsit.
Key Speaker:
Carme Miralles i Guasch, PhD in Geography and professor at the UAB.
The city of them| reflections.
Sara Ortiz Escalante, Urban planning at Col·lectiu Punt 6.
Feminist transformation of urban space.
Montse Garcia Blasco, member of the board of directors of ECOM.
Women, disability and equal opportunities.
Sonia Ruiz Garcia, Directorate of Gender Services and Time Policies, Barcelona City Council.
What does the data say?
Rosa Alarcón Montañés, Councilor for Mobility of the Barcelona City Council.