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Many causes have adopted a symbol in the form of a bow to make their fight visible. For almost 20 years, the P(A)T Traffic Accident Prevention Association has had a symbol designed by Tomás Calles, collaborator of the P(A)T Valencia delegation. It…


Last year we started the SLOW CITY project to raise awareness about reducing speed to 30km/h. In collaboration with the Education and Road Safety Research Team of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and with the support of Barcelona City…


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When we talk about traffic accidents, a second can change our lives forever. A second that will mark not only the person who suffers the accident, but also the people around them. The incident marks a before and after, from which innumerable…

Discussions about the #NewMobility

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YOUR OPINION COUNTS Deconstructing mobility - Is the #covid19 crisis an opportunity to build a #NewMobility? Cycle of online debates on #NewMobility What mobility do we want? Based on the results of the survey carried out by P(A)T and…

P(A)T’s Book

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P(A)T presents the book: “50 YEARS OF ROAD SAFETY, A STORY TO TELL”   Participate: PERE NAVARRO, Director of the General Directorate of Traffic. JULI GENDRAU, Director of the Catalan Traffic Service. SIXTO LÓPEZ, Director…

#CommitToAct Improving care for victims of trafficking

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P(A)T joins the international campaign #CommitToAct promoted by the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety and requests a commitment from the Department of the Interior of the Generalitat de Catalunya to improve care for traffic victims. On…

XXV Barcelona Road Safety Forum

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The Barcelona Road Safety Forum was inaugurated in 1994. This year we celebrate its 25 years of history! Throughout these years, very diverse topics related to urban mobility have been worked on, becoming a Forum of recognition as a space…

Monument to traffic victims in Barcelona

On April 17, 2019, and at the request of victims' associations such as P(A)T, the Barcelona City Council presented a permanent memorial to traffic victims in tribute to all those who have seen their lives cut short due to traffic accidents. The…