Activities of Second UN Global Road Safety Week

Take a picture or video walking to school, work, or simply your favorite walk in that short ride to the corner store. Uniting each short walks, we got a long walk for road safety into all corners of the world. Send it to…

Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020

Join us on facebook. Toguether we can sabe millions of lives. Tag you and share with your friends. Toguether we can sabe millions of lives. On 11 May 2011, the first ever Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 was launched with great…

Las Asociaciones de Víctimas de Accidentes de Tráfico unidas contra las nuevas tasas judiciales

Alarmats per la introducció d'un requisit econòmic per reclamar indemnitzacions, per part de les víctimes d'un sinistre   Exigimos que en las exenciones a esta tasa judicial, se incluyan aquellos procesos y víctimas de…