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“Movernos: caminando con seguridad y sostenibilidad”

The College of Civil Engineering has organized an event to honor the engineer and former president of the P(A)T Ole Thorson with the posthumous presentation of his book “Moving: walking with safety and sustainability”. Ole was remembered as a key figure for improving road safety policies, sustainable mobility and pedestrian rights.

Presented by journalists Mònica Peinado and Carlos Márquez, Jordi Parés, managing partner of Intra, Joan Estevadeordal, President of the Association for the Rights of Vianants, M. Eugènia Domènech, honorary president of P(A)T, Ramon Lamiel, participated. director of the Servei Català de Trànsit, Joan Manel Manrique, representative of the Club de l’Experiència, Francesc Robusté, professor of Transport at the UPC-BarcelonaTech, Ricard Riol, former president of the PTP, Paloma Sánchez Contador, head of the Technical Planning Office i Heriberto Muñoz, mobility and road safety technician at the Barcelona City Council, and Maite Pérez, head of Sustainable Mobility Planning at the AMB, acted in Infrastructure at the Barcelona Provincial Council.

The event was very emotional, in which funny anecdotes were also remembered. An overview of Ole’s professional life was made, establishing him as a key person for the city of Barcelona and for road safety. Also, the disseminator and activist aspect of him and his involvement with various entities were noted. After the tribute ceremony, we had the opportunity to talk with the numerous people who attended to honor Ole and recognize his great contribution, while we shared an aperitif offered by the Colegio de Caminos.