P(A)T works from vision 0.
The zero vision is an approach born in Sweden that aims to reach zero road victims: zero people dead or seriously injured. One of its fundamental concepts is based on taking all the necessary measures so that an error made by a user of the public road does not cause a serious loss. For this, it is essential to know the causes of crashes and work on prevention.
The UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.6 has the aim of halving the number of deaths and injuries due to road crashes in the world by 2020 and to zero by 2050. To achieve this on May 11, 2011, it was launched the WHO Decade of Action for Road Safety, to which P (A) T is adhered.
We believe that this objective is possible, but to reach it you have to believe in it.
“Utopia is on the horizon. I take two steps, it moves away two steps and the horizon advances ten steps beyond. So, for what does the utophy works? For that, it serves to advance. “
Eduardo Galeano
The mission of P(A)T is:
- Influence society to minimize the risk of mobility from the perspective of “zero vision”.
- Achieve that politicians incorporate road safety and victim reduction in their speeches and priorities.
- Raise awareness among the population in general and drivers in particular on the importance of respecting other road users and complying with mobility standards, defending the right to life and physical integrity.
- Encourage research and studies on issues of mobility and road safety.
- Fight for the rights of the victims and for improving their quality of life.
- Help and guidance to victims and their families, through different means including the organization of the “Meeting Point” monthly: meeting with affected people to offer a closer and personal attention, providing psychological and social help and legal guidance.
The objectives of P(A)T are:
- The reduction of the number of people who die and are injured in road crashes and a peaceful and respectful coexistence in mobility, until “no one dies or is wounded by the mere fact of moving through the roads of our country”.
- To help to pacify mobility to get healthier and safer cities.
- Betting on sustainable forms of transport that respect the environment.
- The help, orientation and defense of the rights of the victims, demanding a more respectful and fair treatment towards the victims and bereaved and a post-crash response more related to the real needs and also a post-crash response that repairs the damages caused by facts tolerated by society.
- To offer legal and psychological guidance to victims and bereaved.
For this, we bet on the values of respect and peaceful coexistence in mobility, as well as professionalism and sensitivity. Among other activities we collaborate with entities, both public and private, we conduct studies, conferences, participate in radio programs, courses and conferences and in any field of action with the purpose of spreading our message of “saving lives”.
Vicepresident: MANUEL VIÑUALES
Secretary: DANI JORDI
Representative/Board i International Relations: OLE THORSON
Representative/Board member of P(A)T: MANOLI CUMPLIDO
Representative/Board member of P(A)T: MARGARETA JÖNSSON
Representative/Board member of P(A)T: MONTSERRAT MONTAL
Representative/Board member of P(A)T: DAVID NETTLETON
Representative/Board member of P(A)T: ENRIQUE RODRIGUEZ PLADANO
Psychological care: YOLANDA DOMÉNECH
Diputación, 211 entlo. 08011 – Barcelona
T. 93 301 37 78
T. 954 686 348 – 656 448 672
T. 653 865 977
T. 662 040 124
GALICIA. Ourense
T. 667 751 983 – 610 009 543
MADRID. Alcorcón
T. 686 954 817
T. 629 571 188
T. 608 075 900
In the decade of the sixties, with the motorization of our society, there also occurs a constant increase in the number of crashes, and as a consequence, in the number of injured and dead, caused by vehicles in the streets and highways of Spain.
Confronted by this situation, the Association for the Prevention of Traffic Accidents (P(A)T), is founded as a benefic association in the city of Sabadell, in October 1968. The initiative was taken by Sr. José Martínez Vinaroz, who leaded a team of young people, united by the same ideal: to save lives. The association obtained a wide support in the founding city, although it came up against difficulties when it sought the same enthusiasm elsewhere.
We are very proud of the path traveled in these years of existence, although the advances in the reduction of victims due to road crashes and respect for others and life are much slower than we would like. We are desperate to know that crashes are not accidental, that deaths can be saved, that injuries can be avoided and that there are still victims and suffering in many families in our country.
We can divide the actions of P(A)T in three periods: the first, since is founding, with office in Sabadell, and with its managing committee presided by the founders themselves. The second period covers from 1986 until 1995. In this time, the headquarters of the association move to Barcelona, and the managing committee is presided by Dr. Eduard Carbonell. There was also a change and modernization in the image and logo of P (A) T, which graphically represents our zero vision, unknown at that time: the (A) of accidents in parentheses-accidents are preventable-and every time in a finer line to disappear – we can make sure there are no victims. That has been our logo until recently and that our work philosophy, reach zero victims in mobility.
To mark the 50th anniversary of P (A) T we have renewed our image, creating a new logo in which we have included the figure of three people. Three people in an attitude of “enough is enough”, to clearly show that road crashes affect people – it is not just statistical figures – and we also intend to show that in mobility we depend on each other. And therefore, we want to make clear that road safety is life
In the third stage, which began in 1995, under the presidency of Mr. Salvador Doménech, the AP (A) T section (Affected by Traffic Accidents) was constituted, which brings together people who have suffered the consequences of a serious road crash, are victims and relatives. The section was initiated by Mrs. Anne Lise Cloetta, since then carrying out different support activities and legal, psychological, social and human guidance to relatives and victims of road crashes and claiming and defending their rights before society, the administration and political representatives and justice. Mr. Vicente Sánchez is currently president of the section.
Mr. Xavier Parés was president of P (A) T from the year 2000 until June of 2004. During his presidency, the Meeting Point was established, a monthly meeting that we continue to hold, to offer a place of encounter, support and guidance for victims and their families. Ms. Eugenia Doménech led the association as president of P (A) T from June 2004 to October 2009, during which time the association was professionalized and delegations were strengthened, actively participating in proposals on legal reforms. From 2009 to June 2015 Eugenia Domenech assumed the management of the entity. Currently the Director is Yolanda Domenech.
Mr. Ole Thorson currently holds the presidency of P (A) T, continuing with the support and guidance to the victims, demanding a post-crash response according to their needs and the defense of their rights as pillars of action of the entity. For years we have special interest in conducting studies to obtain a scientific basis and the proposed changes and legal, administrative and social improvements to improve the situation of victims and ensure that there are no victims of mobility in our country.
n these almost 50 years of existence, P(A)T has developed an important and diverse activity, more as a consequence of the dedication of its enthusiastic members than as a result of support from public or private entities.
Today it seems that we are no longer in the same place as before. Surely the activity carried out by P(A)T will have saved the lives of many drivers and pedestrians. Even if we had saved the life of just one person, for us this is sufficient compensation for the effort made to achieve this ideal.
The association, based in the city of Barcelona, has a national scope and delegations in different autonomous communities, is a member of the PRI (Prévention Routière Internationale) since 1990, a collaborating association of the FEVR (Federation Europeenne des Victimes de la Route) from the year 1996 and member of the same since 1998. Since 2016 Yolanda Domenech, the current Director of P (A) T is a member of FEVR’s board of directors, being the Psychological Support Consult. P (A) T signatory of the European Road Safety Charter since the year 2.004 It belongs to the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety and the European Youth Forum for Road Safety of the European Commission.
P(A)T is also developing the following actions:
- Actions which influence the society to minimize the risk in mobility under the perspective of the Zero Vision.
- Achieve that the politicians incorporate mobility safety and the reductions in number of victims in their talks and priorities.
- Collaborate with the different administrations, public and private entities at all levels in order to achieve that safety in mobility get priority, budget and actions are put forward and safety campaigns are produced to reduce number of victims in the public road space – all that for a solidary, sustainable, healthy and safe society.
- Promote a dialog in society through continuous relation with the mass media and social networks
- Increase safety conscience as general in population and specifically to drivers about the importance to respect more other road users and to comply the rules in mobility in defence of the right of life and the personal physical integrity.
- Define schemes of education for different user groups in the society and promote in schools a respectful mobility education.
- Stimulate research and studies in mobility and traffic safety.
- Study and analysis of the situation of the victims and affected by the accidents, to get arguments for changes to better the rights and the attention of those.
- Propose Legal changes to obtain better strictness and balance between punishment and the damage caused by irresponsible driving with results of death and injured persons. Also changes in economic reparation which respects dignity and the needs of the victims.
- The help and assistance of victims and their families in different ways, between others, through the organization of “Point of encounter”, a monthly meeting point between victims and P(A)T members and administrations to give more tight relation and personal attention on psychological, social and juridical items.
- Active participation in Municipal, Local Authority and Parliament Commissions on mobility and safety to amplify the debate on values of good behaviour in society and on needed changes and research.
- The then minister of interior Mr. Juan José Rosón, judging the efforts of P(A)T deserving of recognition, proposed to Council of Ministers the proposal of giving P(A)T the status of “Public Use” by the Spanish Government, meaning fiscal treatment as Foundation for donations from enterprises.
- In 2004, the then President of P(A)T Xavier Parés received from DGT (Spanish Traffic Department) the bronze medal with blue mark, for his professional work for traffic safety.
- P(A)T has also received the Bronze Medal for its work for traffic safety from the DGT.
- In 1993 Ole Thorson, as vicepresident of P(A)T received the accesit at the Award of Consumation (Research), Generalitat de Catalunya – for his work for research in traffic safety.
- In 1994 the MH. President of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol, gave the Distinction 1993 to the entity with most merits working for the traffic safety.
- In 1993, as recognition for the work done, the Municipality of Barcelona, from the hand of the Mayor Pascual Maragall, a silver plate indicating that recognition.
- The Honourable Minister of Interior, Institutional Relations and Participation, of the Generalitat de C,atalonia, Joan Saura, gave to Margareta Jönsson, the Secretary of P(A)T, the Bronze medal for police Merit, with blue distinctive.
- The 8th of July 2011 P(A)T got the Award of Solidarity from “Linea Directa” Handed over to the Director of P(A)T: Eugenis Domenech, by the Spanish Minister of public works, José Blanco.
- The Honourable Minister of Interior, Institutional Relations and Participation, of the Generalitat de Catalonia, gave to Montse Montalt, viceresident of P(A)T, the 22/04-2013, the Bronze medal Merit, with blue distinctive.
- The 16/05-2014 P(A)T received the I Award for Traffic Safety from the Catalan Directorate of Traffic.
- In july 2015 the, until then Director of P(A)T Eugenia Domenech Moral, was nominated Director of the Catalan Traffic Directorate, after 27 years of relation to our entity.
- The 29th of September 2016, Margareta Jönsson, Secretary of AP(A)T, received the Honour Medal of Barcelona Police, silver category, in hand from the Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau. (Medal special for collaboration with the municipal police).
- In September 2016, Yolanda Domenech, Director of P(A)T, enter in the board of FEVR, named assessor in psychological attention to victims.
- In November 2016, Ole Thorson, President of P(A)T received the Traffic Safety Award from the Catalan Directorate of Traffic for a whole life dedicated to activism in favour of safe mobility from entities as: International Federation of Pedestrians, European Federation of Transport and Environment, the Spanish Association for Traffic Accident Prevention (PAT-APAT), and for his long work with mobility plans in cities in various continents.
- In November 2017, Yolanda Domenech, P(A)T director, was nominated Coordinator of the Council of global advice for the World Day of Remembrance for Traffic Victims, composed by a representative of each continent.
P(A)T has since 1968 had a clear compromise with Road Safety and with the victims and others suffering from mobility crashes. We recognise the complicity and help we may receive in the future. Help us to help. Become a member
The Association of Traffic Accident Prevention P(A)T has spent nearly forty years working to make Road Safety a reality in Spain.
The current figures for people who die or are injured on public roads, even when they indicate a positive trend, remains alarming and difficult to tolerate in our society.
The fight for road safety is a task that requires effort from everyone, politicians and public institutions and businesses, professionals, individuals. It is the responsibility of the whole of society.
Every day people are killed or seriously injured in our country and this is a fact we must not forget. Together, we have the obligation to respond decisively and bravely to bring an end to this situation.
Therefore we want the whole of society to become involved in this fight, because only with the collaboration of everyone can we bring this to a good end.
And now we have a symbol. A symbol to express our commitment to this goal: “Reduce deaths and injuries on our roads.” Do not tolerate incivicness and road crime.
This is the Symbol against road insecurity, whose author is Mr. Tomás Calles, member of P(A)T in the Regional Office of the Valencian Community.
Display it on your lapel. Join us in this fight. We are increasingly more who are convinced we can make mobility safer.
In P(A)T we have no doubts. We continue to work to achieve our objective: “Saving Lives”.

ince 1968, committed to road safety
P(A)T is attached to the initiative