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More than ever we are aware of the fragility of life
Prevention and precaution are our best allies. also on the road
Prevention and precaution are our best allies. Also on the road??
The coronavirus crisis has given us back that powerful feeling of vulnerability and vulnerability that characterizes existence on this planet. Hopefully that has led us to reflect on our lives and our habits.
The only thing we know for certain is that one day we will die, although we do not know when or how. Even so, we have some control in the sense of choosing certain protective attitudes, both towards ourselves and towards others.
With the coronavirus we have seen the importance of prevention. It is important that we take certain precautions to avoid infections. The same goes for road safety. We know what to do to avoid traffic accidents: the first thing is prudence and respect, in addition to respecting speed limits, full attention when driving and not mixing alcohol or other drugs with driving. With very little we can also prevent thousands of lives from being cut short on the road every year.