Start of rest before Christmas drinks
In the media it has been explained that there has been a certain density of traffic and moments of congestion due to an agglomeration of drivers who have left the cities to avoid crowds of buyers and in the opposite direction of those who have gone to the city in search of Christmas gifts.
Has the meaning of Christmas been totally forgotten? The arrival in our world of a message of love and human and divine joy – not of spending the few resources that remain on earth and the little that remains in the pockets of many people.
Some of the delays and queues on roads and streets are not due to the vulgar back and forth related to travel, but are due to errors during the back and forth. Accidents in mobility are due to inattention, not giving way, running too much, driving under the influence of alcohol and other drugs (also drugs incompatible with driving), etc.
“500.000 cars leave at the beginning of the holidays.” We know that so much travel creates nerves, aggressiveness to quickly reach the destination. We believe that in this climate emergency situation, in the midst of the responsibility of achieving the zero vision objectives, a post COVID recommendation not to go out so much and to avoid nerves and thus accidents, would be the best option.
The life of the citizen is worth more than wasting. It seems that road safety has also succumbed to the economy: spending more is the goal – all or what has not been spent in the last year.
In addition, there is pressure (and it seems that the administrations are giving in) to have more drivers and a political path begins to lower the age of being able to drive certain vehicles. At 16 we are not sufficiently prepared to get into high speeds in the midst of highly dangerous mobility. Don’t sacrifice the lives of a certain number of young people.
It is true that there have been changes in the regulations in 2021 and more (positive) will come in 2022. But the message has to be clear and clear. No more deaths.
Ole Thorson, former president of P (A) T