Slow City
The primary objective of Slow City is to reduce the maximum speed to 30 km on the streets of our cities. But at the same time it seeks to lower the pace of society and that we can count on quality time to achieve a healthier life. Thus, both on the streets and in other areas of our lives, we will suffer less stress and live together in peace.
We want a city for the people.
That is why we believe that it is important to integrate the slow movement, especially when travelling, to improve the coexistence of all users of public roads and to transform the “streets to circulate” into “streets to live”, as proposed by the UN Worldwide.
From P(A)T we have promoted a contest in which students of Primary Education, Early Childhood Education, Pedagogy and Social Education of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UAB will participate with the support of the ERES’v Research Team.
The primary objective of Slow City is to reduce the maximum speed to 30 km on the streets of our cities. But at the same time it seeks to lower the pace of society and that we can count on quality time to achieve a healthier life. Thus, both on the streets and in other areas of our lives, we will suffer less stress and live together in peace.
The project consists of the creation of a socio-educational campaign on the need and benefits of slowing down in urban areas. In addition, we offer them the opportunity to present and disseminate the winning campaign.
But it doesn’t end here! The winning team will have the opportunity to present their project at the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).