27th BARCELONA ROAD SAFETY FORUM: Personal mobility vehicles, challenges and opportunities
On the twenty-seventh event of the Barcelona Road Safety Forum, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities that personal mobility vehicles offer us in large cities like Barcelona and how to further improve the current situation of micromobility.
VPMs have become an alternative to more conventional transports. They are efficient, comfortable, fast, easy to use and environmentally friendly means of transport. More and more users are using them, especially in cities, and this increase requires regulating their use. The proliferation of VPMs has led to an increase in the number of claims in which they are involved. In 2020 there were more than 100 accidents in which six people died. 98% occurred in the city.
The 27th Forum wants to address what challenges and opportunities the increase of personal mobility vehicles entails from a legislative and regulatory point of view and what is their fit, in the urban space and in peaceful coexistence with the rest of the actors of the mobility, especially pedestrians and cyclists.
P(A)T will participate in two of its presentations, expressing our vision of objective 0, our commitment to the victims and our daily work so that no one else is injured by mobility, not even in cities.
Place: CaixaForum Barcelona (Av. Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, 6-8)
Date: December 13, 2021
Hours: from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
In-person (maximum capacity of 300 people, subject to COVID-19 conditions)
Registration: https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/forumbcnseguretatviaria/es/online.html
Institutional opening
Table 1. “The city and the new mobilities”
Participants in the debate:
Ima. Ms. Laia Bonet, third deputy mayor of Barcelona City Council
Im. Mr. Albert Batlle, fifth deputy mayor of Barcelona City Council
Mr. Ramon Lamiel, Director of the Catalan Traffic Service, Generalitat de Catalunya
Mr. Josep Mateu, president of the RACC
Ms. Yolanda Doménech, director of P (A) T
Table 2. “Safety and coexistence between the VMP and the rest of the means of transport: specificities and risks, shared responsibility”
Speaker: Ms. Alba Rey, Head of Mobility Studies at the RACC Foundation
Participants in the debate:
Mr. Ole Thorson, Board Member P (A) T
Association of Users for Personal Mobility (AUMP)
Mr. Carlos Pastor, inspector of the Barcelona Urban Guard (Accident Prevention and Investigation Unit)
Table 3. “Opportunities for the use of VMP: training, characteristics and regulations”
Speaker: Ima. Ms. Isabel López, Deputy Prosecutor for Road Safety of Catalonia
Participants in the debate:
Mr. Adrià Puigpelat, Provincial Head of Traffic of Barcelona
Mr. Joan Sala, vice-president of the Catalan Driving Schools Federation (FAC)
Mr. Adrià Gomila, Director of Mobility-Urban Ecology, Barcelona City Council
Mr. Carles Gómez, Deputy Chief Inspector ACCIR (Mossos, Generalitat)
Institutional closure